Tag Archives: fake grass

fake grass

When installing a lawn or garden area, you might be wondering if you should choose real grass or fake grass. There are many different factors to consider before making a decision. While natural grass is less expensive than fake grass, it can liven up a less-than-appealing surface. PVC and plastic sheathing, which are both naturally water-resistant, are generally smooth surfaces. There are many benefits of installing fake grass on a lawn or garden, and it requires minimal preparation. Just ensure that you use a quality adhesive for securing the grass. While the green colour of fake grass may make people think it’s eco-friendly, there are many negative impacts of this product on our environment. Buglife’s Paul Hetherington said that fake grass does not offer any environmentally friendly benefits and is particularly worrying given the dramatic decline in insect species worldwide. The installation of fake grass on concrete or soil is…

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fake grass

Fake grass is made from the same material, but has more uses than straws. For a family of four, a single straw equates to around 21,900 straws – or roughly 12kg of plastic! Meanwhile, a metre of fake grass weighs only 1.42 kilograms. To help you understand how much plastic is in one metre of fake grass, let’s explore the recycling process. Despite being a popular landscaping choice, fake grass is not without its downsides. While it may appear to be a cheap, low-maintenance alternative to real grass, it won’t last for eternity. Its production also contributes to carbon emissions and uses fossil fuels, lowering the soil’s fertility and reducing the natural vegetation in the area. Artificial grass may also contain microplastics, tiny plastic particles that are ingested by humans and animals. Another drawback to fake grass is the lack of natural fresh cut smell. Fake grass lacks this, so…

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